
stone and dust

travel, photography and musings on cemeteries, memorials, and other dark sites



The Art of Photographing Cemeteries: Part 3

For the final part of this series, I want to talk about some of the ethical issues surrounding photographing cemeteries. People have a lot of differing opinions when it comes to visiting cemeteries, and photography, or any other activity that is not quite related to the purpose Continue reading “The Art of Photographing Cemeteries: Part 3”

The Art of Photographing Cemeteries: Part 2

In my last post, I wrote about how light is probably the most important aspect of a successful photograph. Despite anyone’s preferences for a certain kind of light, the fact is any and all kinds of light have their disadvantages. The key is knowing how that light will work Continue reading “The Art of Photographing Cemeteries: Part 2”

The Death Tour (or my cemetery bucket list)

Okay, so that sounds dramatic. I guess it should really be called the cemetery tour, since this entire trip is based around photographing some famous and not-so-famous cemeteries around Europe, but that’s a little boring.  Continue reading “The Death Tour (or my cemetery bucket list)”

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