
stone and dust

travel, photography and musings on cemeteries, memorials, and other dark sites



Site 60: Salzburg’s Peterfriedhof

Down in the heart of Salzburg lies its oldest cemetery, Peterfriedhof. It lies at the base of the cliff on which Holhensalzburg Castle sits. Despite (or because of) the fact that there are numerous major attractions all around, this cemetery is popular with visitors to Salzburg, as evidenced by Continue reading “Site 60: Salzburg’s Peterfriedhof”

Site 59: Salzburg’s St. Sebastian’s Cemetery

If skulls are your thing, then this is definitely the cemetery for you. St. Sebastian’s Cemetery is a small old cemetery located in the centre of Salzburg, just steps away from the well-worn tourist trail, hidden behind St. Sebastian’s Church and a high wall. That said, it was pretty easy Continue reading “Site 59: Salzburg’s St. Sebastian’s Cemetery”

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