
stone and dust

travel, photography and musings on cemeteries, memorials, and other dark sites



Site 104: Porto’s Cemitério da Lapa

This is one of Porto’s private cemeteries that survived the ban on private ones in the 19th century. This was probably due not only to the wealthy who were buried here, but was also due to the fact that it was on higher ground, far away from most homes (at the time). However, Continue reading “Site 104: Porto’s Cemitério da Lapa”

Site 103: The Catacombs of São Francisco

One of the most amazing interiors I have ever seen in a church is that of São Francisco’s in Porto. The carvings are astounding and it’s a place where you could just sit and observe and be awed. Over 100kg of gold leaf was used inside here, and at one point they closed the church Continue reading “Site 103: The Catacombs of São Francisco”

Site 102: Porto’s Prado do Repouso

Plink plink. Plink plink plink. Plink. The rain was making music, as it hit one of many (lit) glass candles that were on the ground in front of the wall niches. It wasn’t a sound I had ever really heard before at a cemetery, but this sound followed me as I walked around the Continue reading “Site 102: Porto’s Prado do Repouso”

Site 101: Porto’s Agramonte Cemetery

Today started wet and drizzly and it basically stayed that way all day. Still, I’m a fan of visiting (older) cemeteries in the rain, particularly old European ones (i.e. they don’t usually have a lot of grass – it’s mostly all stone, including the pathways). The rain always brings out more detail in the stones, Continue reading “Site 101: Porto’s Agramonte Cemetery”

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